Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Produsage at first glance looks as if to be miss spelt and looks as if it should be producer. Which is exactly part of defining the term. To better describe the term I have used a diagram.

Produsage is when original content of any form of media for example music or a snippet of a movie is used and built upon and re distributed as a new product. Even though some form of original content is used as a basis. New forms of media such as YouTube, blogging, wikipedia and even second life are clear examples of produsers. Over time i have noticed the use of produsers and from my experience it either works really well or not at all an example that best comes to mind is when i first heard Madonna singing american pie which was was originally sung by Don Mclean. Madonna had still used the same lyrics and tune but it had been remixed and was more uptempo. At first I was quite annoyed of this rendition of the song as it had runied the original however i still found myself singing along to the ever so catchy tune. Which then i found m self loving and accepted this new form of the orginal.

With you tube being one of the ebiggest sources being used by people as produsers it isclear to see how som things become so popular in the world of cyber space. A clip which I find fantastic on youtube is evolution of dance, one man has used all original content and in the end has produced new content this was so popular it had over 144 million hits on youtube whcih can be viwed by clicking on this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMH0bHeiRNg.

It is absolutly astonishing to see the lack of original producers of new content that have not built upon somone else work. Bruns (2008) is author of the book Produsage:Towards a Broader Framework for User-Led Content Creation' in Creativity and Cognition. Bruns, (2008) states that “There is an absence of producers, distributors, or consumers, and the presence of a seemingly endless string of users acting incrementally as content producers by gradually extending and improving the information present in the information commons, the value chain begins and ends. What he is saying here is that we no longer are seeing producers,distributors or sonsumers yet we are just seeing users that are acting as content producers re creating and re distributing the a new form of original content. I would have to agree with this comment as we are seeing less and less original producers and distributors and sometimes we are not aware that this new content was built upon by somoene elses original content.

Through the use of these new media forms we are only going to see more of produsers and rarely producers of content. Although they will still be either be even more popular than what the original content was or disreguraded by consumers and users.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Cyber Sex

The world of cybersex is an evergrowing medium which is highly accessible and available to anyone who can use a computer and access the internet. Cyber sex is sex via the internet and comes in all forms from pornography, online chatting with and without webcam and almost anything that can be done offline can be performed online. One cybersex expert quotes a figure as high as $83 billion was spent on Internet sex in 2002, which is more than the sales of computers and software (Carnes, 2002).The world of online sex has been described as a growing problem and has been compared to being a drug as it has an addictive effect.

An article written by Ryan Singel (2004) "Internet Porn: Worse than Crack?' the writer describes the use of internet pornography being worse than the use of drugs. In a sense id have to agree with this comment as it is so easily accessible and so addictive. According to clinicians and researchers internet pornography can lead to addiction, pedophilia and ones self esteem. Based on these findings its clear to see the interntet as a perfect delivery system Singel, (2004) says this is an accessible delivery system as the recivers are able to be anonymous, aroused and have role models for these behaviors. Marry Anne Layden a director of the sexual trauma and psychopathology program at the University of Pennsylvania describes online pornography as being worse than cocaine as pornographic images stay in the brain forever and the substance of cocaine does not.

When first studying this topic its almost jokeable to think that a person could become addicted to online sex but considering that sexuality is the most frequently searched subject and the most profitable part of the Internet this is concerning. Zogby & Focus,( 2000) researched that neally 20% of all interntet users have accessed an adult internet site at one time or another. There are many reasons why so many people would access online sex as oppose to real life sex and one of the major reasons is anonymity no one has to know who you really are so their are no boundaries or social constructs preventing what you can and cant do. Secondly a person who may be unattractive or have a low self esteem would utilize on an online sexual life to avoid affecting they way they feel about themselves. An example of utilizing online sex can be seen in the virtual world of Second Life.
Sex shops and places where people can make thier avatars have virtual sex are a new feature available in this virtual world, while the real people behind the avatars are sitting on computers letting thier fingers do
the work for them. One major issue that has arose from the use of cyber sex is the question is virtual sex classed as cheating? To answer this question we have to look at the extent to what people are going to and the motives behind them. Although the actual sex is virtual and not in physical reality the people that are behind this are fulfilling real sexual fantasies and desires so who is to say whether this is cheating or not?
When researching this topic i was quite amazed by some of the figures of internet sex use i was unaware of just how popular this enterprize really was. As sex sells it seems this world of cyber sex will be ever growing and become a part of many peoples lives.With the rapid development of technology to aid in the cyberworld i cannot see it ever going out of fashion there is always going to be developments in this area.